Partners and collaborators of
Sequoia Samanvaya

Partners and collaborators of
Sequoia Samanvaya
Kristine Marie Hill
Kristine is a member of the Beaver Clan, Tuscarora nation, and Haudenosaunee Confederacy. She works nationally as a restorative justice practitioner, circle weaver, and indigenous peacemaker. She is also the founder of Collective Wisdoms.
Rhetta Morgan
Rhetta is a singing healer, spiritual activist, and interfaith minister who has been gathering tools for healing and inspiration for over 40 years. She currently works with Pendle Hill Quaker Retreat Center, the Unitarian Universalist National Ministers Association, the Center for Contemporary Mysticism, the Anti Defamation League, and People of the Global Majority in the Outdoors, Nature, and Environment.
Rama Subramanian
Ram is a director and co-founder of SLI. He is an active advocate for safe food and sustainable society and the world. He has extensively worked with academic institutions, civil society organizations, and state & national government for over 19 years as process management and conceptualizing expert in social initiatives.
Lina Constantinovici
Ongoing collaborations to bring origin stories, healing, and the bio-cultural dimensions of regenerative investment strategy to family offices investors, and inheritors.
Jump Scale
Jump Scale is a consulting firm that moves organizations to scale through a holistic approach to organizational wellbeing. For years, our team has been building companies and movements, and supporting executives and investors to scale impact.
Quaker Institute for the Future (QIF) envisions a global future in which humanity is in the right relationship with the commonwealth of life.QIF seeks to generate insight, knowledge, and wisdom that informs public policy and enables us to treat all humans and the whole commonwealth of life as a sacred community.
Emma Mares
Emma was the marketing intern of Sara Jolena and Sequoia Samanvaya, where she collaborated with Sara Jolena to produce social media content and create marketing plan for the courses.
Felix Bivens
Felix is the founder and director of Empyrean Research, a community-based research organization dedicated to enhancing the research and learning capacities of social-change organizations and to working with higher education institutions to build better community-university partnerships.
The Regenerative School
Rē: The Regenerative School is a non-profit organization that works through education, research and civic engagement activities to foster regenerative processes which add to the abundance and resilience of ecological, social and economic communities.
Gray Cox
Gray is a co-founder and current clerk of the Quaker Institute for the Future, a non-profit organization promoting research on social and environmental concerns out of the spiritual tradition of the Religious Society of Friends. (www.quakerinstitute.org). Gray has collaborated in a variety of projects in community organizing, peace work, election observation and sustainable development.
Christopher Fici
Christopher Fici is a scholar, educator, content creator, and consultant based in the New York City area. He serves as the creative director of The Climate Anticipation Project, which connects anticipatory communities across the spectrum of spirituality, ecological justice, and regenerative ecology.
Quaker Earthcare Witness
Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW) is the largest network of Friends (Quakers) working on Earthcare today. They work to inspire Spirit-led action toward ecological sustainability and environmental justice.
Jose Michael Ludovico
Michael is the Marketing Assistant of Sara Jolena Wolcott and Sequoia Samanvaya. His tasks involve admin support, website management, audio editing, and the founder’s collaborator with social media content creation and graphic design.
RIVER is an inter-Nation-al 1 circle of people collaborating to revitalize and strengthen Indigenous approaches for regenerative development of land, water and all life.
Florence Baker
Florence is the lead organizer for Sierra Club BC and faith sector organizer for the Climate Emergency Unit. Throughout her career, she has worked with hundreds of faith, union, and community leaders to learn and teach the practices of community organizing.Florence