High Impact Courses

for Cultural Change Makers


What Lies Beneath…

Is a 6-session online course that introduces some of the essential stories/myths about living within the Haudenosaunee cosmovision and the Kayanerenko:wa, the Great Law of Peace.

The cosmo-vision that America’s founding fathers either never understood or purposefully ignored.

We are descendants of the men who sat together; the founding fathers of the United States and the members of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.

Today we can go far deeper than did our ancestors. We invite you to join us in a cross-cultural, cross-spiritual dialogue.

The ReMembering Course

Climate Change stems from Colonization. If you don't understand that, you are living out of - and making decisions from - a dis-membered history. Join us in a journey back to the traumatic beginning of the modern era: the mid-15th century and 16th century. Re-Member the roots of our current social, ecological, and spiritual crises in the origins of colonization. Delve deeper into the history of the United States of America, your own family history, and the creation of "nature," "property" and the role of the Doctrine of Discovery in enabling climate change.

Circular Time

From the End arises the Beginning.

Time is not linear. Time curves.

So why are you still using a linear calendar and pretending that you can chart your life in a straight line?

As Earth curves around Sun, bringing Solstice and the Turning of the Year, we reflect on 2021 to deepen our collective wisdoms for 2022.

Join us to engage more deeply with circular time, and use the ancient temporal technologies of circular calendars that are far more accurate.

What People Are Saying


“These courses and this community have transformed my life.”

— Chris F.


“Absolutely essential for anyone doing work on race, gender and/or the environment.”

— Ken K.

“I have studied history with some of the best minds in the world and I’ve never encountered history like this.”

— Abeer A.

“Working with Sara Jolena is preparing myself for a future I can’t yet see but know is coming.”

— Ofonomie O.

Advance Classes

MetaNarratives and Mycelium

Time Walker

Previous courses available upon request

  • Howard Thurman: Ancestor for Our Age

    Mystic. Prophet. Theologian. Activist. The man who traveled to India met Gandhi and helped to translate "satyagraha" and "ahimsa" into the American context, co-creating the intellectual-spiritual foundations for the civil rights movement.

    As we enter the Anthropocene Age, Howard Thurman is as relevant now as he was then, and we all have much to learn from this brilliant preacher. This 5-session experiential online course is designed to support theologians, activists, mystics, faith leaders, seekers, and teachers in engaging with one of the most interesting leaders of the last century.

  • Anticipating and ReEnchanting

    Designed as a course to integrate our reptilian need for preparing for climate apocalypse with our artistic/spiritual and enchanting selves, this course engages with climate adaptation from a personal and family perspective like no other. An advanced course for people who are familiar with climate science and already have taken several steps around personally and professionally engaging with climate action, this takes you to the next level in both spiritual and practical dimensions.

    Since Covid, this course has increased its focus on anticipation, becoming a space for ongoing analysis and discernment. Participants significantly expand their leadership, their initiatives and their personal, professional, spiritual, artistic selves have become far more integrated as a result of this program.

  • Muttering, Messiness, Myth and Magic: A Course for Women Writers

    This course cultivates a powerful community of women who write substantial pieces which are engaging hearts and minds with difficult histories, complex topics and socially relevant, provocative, and potentially culturally transformative writing. Multiple styles are accepted. Previous students have brought children's stories, poetry, collage, comix, memoirs, fantasy, essays and creative non fiction. We engage in both the messiness and the magic of our work with all the seriousness of play.

  • Not So Sweet: ReMembering the History of Sugar

    Health inequalities have a history, and knowing them will empower your work. Hunger - and obesity - come from somewhere. ReMembering the History of Sugar is an online course taught in 5 lessons over 5 weeks.

    The course connects Colonization, Climate Change/ecological destruction, Health Inequalities, Family Histories, and Sugar.