The ReMembering and ReEnchanting Podcast


Conversations with amazing people connecting what is all too often disconnected

Midwife Krystina Friedlander and Death Worker Michelle Acciavatti join hostess Sara Jolena for our first episode in this season to discuss the ways in which the most significant transitions of our lives, being born and dying, are shifting during COVID-19 and the subsequent global quarantine.

Their friendship and companionship as healers and doulas at opposite ends of the spectrum shines as they find many similarities in the way in which their intimate work with our bodies is changing. In what promises to be the first of several conversations around topics of birth, death, suffering and celebration, we here deepen our understanding of what their work actually entails, the importance of unspoken intimacy, and the communal importance of both entering and leaving this precious life we share together.

Yes, we are talking explicitly here about dead bodies, blood, and grief; all of which are topics we often rather leave to the murder mysteries on our television than to frank conversations amidst ourselves. If discussions of dead bodies makes you squeemish, you might want to leave this one aside, but I invite you to journey with us.

Please feel free to visit Krystina's website ( and Michelle's website (; though their work keeps them closely bound to their place (New Jersey and New Hampshire, respectfully), they both welcome conversations. I'm confident we will be hearing more on these topics and from these two gracious, loving guides as we move forward together.

Music Title: Both of Us

Music by: madiRFAN

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